Master modern leadership: Develop emotional intelligence, enhance communication, and navigate change to inspire teams
Very informative sessions learnt to understand people and motivate them to develop organisation values. What should be avoided session while communicating was very helpful.
Of course, it seems quite interesting and insightful
Ein sehr interessanter Kurs der einem einen guten Einblick in die Kommunikation mit Mitarbeitern gibt.
Auch mit begrenzten Englischkenntnissen ist dieser Kurs gut zu verstehen.
Hier werden einem gute Tools und Vorgehensweisen an die Hand gegeben.
It is a great and interesting course.
It was so good
I got a lot benefits in this course
Was a good match
this is exactly what I was looking for, I'm so lucky to find such an amazing course an amazing instructor.
Este curso me enseñó demasiado y me enseñó a prepararme de mejor manera
it was amazing
This course I can really recommend to you all! The lectures gradually build up to the essence of becoming a successful leader. Each lectures gives a clear view on the theory on one hand and the day-to-day business on the other hand. The summaries help you to bring the learnings into practice. For me this cours was time well spent!