Manual on How to Use Influencer Marketing to Grow Your Business Online and Reach Your Marketing Goals!
very nice and insightful
Well explained in detail really liked it, kudos team!
I enjoyed the course thoroughly. Clear audio and video, and the teacher was spot on, no rambling.
It would have been better if you focused more on the part of how to find influencers and how to contact them professionally , but otherwise the course is great and it is a great starting point
if someone want to start with blogging and IM then they can see this course for the brief understanding only not complete detailed explanation of each element . Also this course is not updated for 2024 or updated with AI related
le cours est uniquement en anglais, j'utilise des extensions pour traduire et c'est un peu fatiguant de recharger la page à chaque fois. Si Udemy ne propose pas des sous titres multilangues, vous pourriez le suggerez à Udemy comme vous donnez des cours. merci et vous meritez les 5 etoiles.
please make it longer with more detail for the influencer on how to work in this industry.
If you want to market the influencer and blogger then this will be helpful to you.
I'm loving the course so far and i'm hopeful i will put eerything into practice and get some results
it was good
good course to learn
is good and covers most .