Fund accounting-governmental accounting-General Fund & government-wide activity transactions-modified accrual method
This class was longer than expected but the instructor/narrator voice was easy to understand and listen to for extended periods of time.
Yes it was a good match for me learning the course in which I learnt a lots from it
Its more of USA accounting and not a local or Phil. accounting. But I may try to relate and study for now.
It is a perfect refresher course and best for beginners
Very thorough and informative. Great refresher for me. I liked the interactive piece. It helps to solidify understanding when you do it yourself.
Yes, I think it will be a good match, so far so good.
This provided a good basic foundation for understanding Govt Accounting and how it differs from regular For Profit accounting.
very good course
so far it is.
It lets you know up front what you will be studying and why. It also addresses common questions and challenges that I hadn't anticipated but made perfect sense when explained.
I really enjoyed the course, was very detailed course for governmental accounting. I especially enjoyed to how each multiple choice question was analyzed to obtain the correct answer.
It is a good match for me, I am trying to get a good understanding of all aspects of governmental accounting.