Increase Your Child's Creative Quotient to 10X
Creativity is essential to being successful people because you have to think outside the box early to become effective in life and challenge the status quo.
Its amazing
Fire up creativity in your child is an interesting workshop , which gives you in detail the knowledge about creativity and how to explore the same among children, thus enhance their cognitive ,fine,social and emotional skills. I liked the way the instructors have explored the ideas using paints,crayons,dough,costumes and woods. This will surely help me in my teaching profession as well give me vast ideas in my teaching skills. Thanks....
This course was good. I learned so many things that will help me with children and today's adult children. I love taking Ms. Libby's courses because they are so refreshing and open you up to a broad spectrum of possibilities for doing thing. Thanks for this course and people, snatch it up and learn how to help the children of today.
As always superb content, easy learning to retain knowledge structure. New learning techniques for me to try with clients, problem with society today is parents take the easy option of buying games and computers for children, instead of investing their time and energy to draw out a childs creativity. These solutions in this course are simple to implement and gain quick results for parents to see.
Thank you so much dear Facilitators for the course. I have found the approach and content to be very enlightening.
To my co-learners, you might find the emphasis on focusing on the process of creativity rather than the result, as well as the session on identifying and creating play spaces in our homes to be very helpful.
It is also good to learn of active involvement in screen time as against completely abolishing screen or online time.
Thank you very much.
This course is excellent and a definite MUST HAVE!!!
The lectures helped me understand and be more patient with my child, am actively challenging his mind with a more enriched environment, and am a better parent as a result of it.
Sadly, the parents that need this info most will never be inclined enough to go through it
This course explains how I can help my child's brain grow with the appropriate stimuli, and help her reach her full potential. But most of all, this course helps me understand my child and what she's going thru, growing my patience and empathy for her.
This is definitively a course I will be picking up at every stage and rereading over and over. If you are interested in understanding your child's mind, are not afraid of trying and testing the exercises, and want to know about how to expose your child to enriching experiences that will grow him/her into loving, healthy adults, this is for you.
The lecture was helpful to transform our stereotype thinking to be more creative. It has crafted very good framework of 21st century creative thinking.
This course is interesting full of knowledge and most of all educational most helpful for people working in the work place with a child .This could enhance a child life and also create a more creative mindset.Fine motor skills are most important in every day life art can help with this and enhance learning .With gentle learning through art these qualities enable a child to understand about the world that they live in .Am going to enjoy this course I have just started it and find very informative and already full of handy tips and also quotes that are full of knowledge ,which will help is a good way .Wow the ideas in this course are fantastic to use with children many I have done in the past with my own and when I worked as a play group assistant too.A child would love these activities and I know am a big child at heart and love to create as well,so I know these methods will go well and many children will benefit from these skills that creates social skills create skills with in the community and other settings in the community,so exciting and fresh methods that are very educational for a child .I love the theme in this course and yes art does quite a lot for a child communication is important in life ,some children do not communicate via talking this could be shyness or they can not communicate at all due to voice loss.So art is a great way to communicate without talking ,a drawing tells us much about people there way of life maybe their mood and in a drawing you can pick up plenty of stress points in strokes ,so when you think of it art is and was the first form of communication cavemen paintings upon walls told a story about their life,Art tells a story about a life style too .This is a brilliant course and up to now I love the concepts of it .I thought the travel pouch was clever the way it was made would also be lovely for a evening pouch ,I can relate to the trauma lecture this is going to be helpful for me ,this course has given insight great insight on coping methods ,I thank both of you for this from the bottom of my heart,oh great person I feel that helped humanity was Mother Theresa bought peace to many in this world this is what the world needs now peace love and understanding .Thought the lectures was great thank you ladies x
Merytorycznie dobry kurs, wszystko ładnie wytłumaczone z przykładami. Jedyny minus - czasem ciężko jest zrozumieć prowadzącą przez jej mocny akcent (przez to odjęłam jedną gwiazdkę)
Yes, I usually give color sheets and I need to give them paint brushes and paint and let them paint what they want too.