"Solving The Problem Of Difficult People"
good tips from first video
so far not bad not good
there's nothing useful here. and all the solutions suggested are just very rude
This course helps me realize things to do when facing a problem. The way they teach is focused on solutions but not problems.
There was plenty of good information in this lecture series (ie. how to work with difficult people, making friends of enemies, letting things go), but I do wish there was more exploration around a few things other key areas (what is boundary setting, how do you maintain them, how to directly communicate with a person who wants to talk over you). While true that most of the people described as difficult to work with can be made into friends, I think it is also important to establish that not all people are willing to work with you mutually. I think a further discussion about the point of no return for a coworker would have also been another helpful tool that would have aligned with the content of this course. Over all, helpful, but I think I was looking for more.
I found the course to be bland and uninspiring. It maybe tolerable as a podcast to have in the background if you are not looking for much more than a few ideas to get you thinking. But there is not really any educational content that you could integrate with an existing body of knowledge.
This is one of those courses needed to be watched every day! I would love to have seen more examples of each type of challenging personalities but I'll take the ones shared. ;-)
quite good on some aspcets - does not handlme enough the specific and most frequent question about professional isse with some manager (you'r bound than in other situation, ie cannot go away usually)
Was expecting it to be a little bit more professional, and the poor slides makes it feel like a bad quality course in whole..
Gaandeweg wordt het beter. Als je deze cursus in het geheel bekijkt dan zie je pas het grote geheel.
I'm learning a lot especially right now I'm dealing with a lot of problem people due to the nature of my work.