Unlocking Profitability: A Comprehensive Guide to Constructing and Analyzing Master Budgets for Strategic Planning
yes it was a good match for me
So fast that the one can not get the chance to think and grasp about the topic , plus there is no PDF,s including the lecture explanations. but anyway, the practical problems are not bad.
Because I want to watch more before to rate with my 5 stars ! Furthermore the lectures are clear and understandable! Thank you!
Very thorough and clear course that covers many important topics
Detailed explaining of budget . Really learned a lot
this course was very intersting in beginning but the middle and at the end I felt like I was doing same thing. So I recomend to add more theory more examples of the company cases (if you have it). thank you for the course, good luck!
No! too long and no examine.
A clear understanding of budget requirements is a good beginning. I am anticipating a higher level of knowledge gathering in the later stages of the course.