Learn how to build an accounting system using Excel and how to enter common transactions from a CPA
Happy to be here, this course really improve the foundation of accounting system. Instructor presents everything in a very clear and comprehensive manner that helps to grab the concept. Recommend to everyone who just start their accounting journey.
Good to learning with you
the tutor explaining so fast, learning should be slow but sure, we're beginner aren't we?
Understandable and informational
This is an amazing course where in I can create and practice an accounting worksheet.
The guy talks too fast
this is my firs time to learn great skill.
Learn to apply the excel skills to my accounting work.
WOW!!! this is a nice course. I was able to learn a lot (such as creation of excel sheet, employee payroll etc).
It is very easy to follow and to prepare the Excel worksheet for the accounting cycle. I am loving it.