Data Structures Algorithms, DSA ,BigO Analysis for every Question, Coding Interview,DP,Backtracking,Data Structures
This course provides a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms, with a strong focus on Big O notation and the concepts of Time and Space Complexity. By completing this course, I am confident in my ability to solve coding problems effectively while optimizing for both time and space complexity.
I recently enrolled the "50 Days of DSA JavaScript Data Structures Algorithms LEETCODE" course, and I'm impressed with how comprehensive and well-structured it is. The course covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms to advanced concepts like dynamic programming and graph algorithms. The course also provides ample opportunities to practice solving coding problems on LeetCode, which is a great way to solidify your understanding of the material.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their understanding of data structures and algorithms. It's a challenging but rewarding experience that will help you become a better programmer.
It would be better if you say, how you have come up with that rather directly explaining logic.
This course is very detailed and descriptive. He really went in depth and explained core concepts.
It is also packed with a lot of leetcode practice questions and solutions.
He can explain even space logic with simplicity remind me of all old maths days
Amazing course as every details has been provided with the simplifications and in most understandable way.
just amazing
I love the instructor's ability to break down this complex and seemingly "boring" topic and made it easier and interesting
Overall I'm satisfied with the course and I would recommend this course to others. I'll also be on the lookout for other courses this instructor has on udemy.
The content well-organized, easy to understand, and the topics are broken down really well.
The explanation of data structures and algorithms are clear and come with illustrations coding walkthroughs on different methods for solving each problem.
There is instruction, lecture, a chance to code the solution yourself, and walkthrough of the material given. Good understanding of DSA and you get oppurnity see the thought process to solving these problems that are specific to the data types and algorithms.
Excellent course. Uses diagrams, blueprints and planning so you can work casually or more independently. No huge jumps in logic, so it all makes sense.
this is a Best course !..
the topic explanation is too boring. However, the explanation and example-solving approaches are excellent. one problem solve you various method goo explains approaches.